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Payment Options

Make a Payment


Make a payment to Health Plus quickly and more securely with a PayPal account.


When using PayPal:

In "Enter Description" please enter your 'Patient Name' and 'Patient ID Number'


In item price please enter the amount you are paying and then press update before making a payment.

(Payments to be made for GP Consultations only)

Accounts not settled within the calendar month will incur a late payment fee of £5 for every month the account remains unpaid.


Don't worry if you do not have a PayPal account you can pay with one of the debit or credit cards listed. Simply follow the instructions above but select PayPal Guest Checkout option.


We are also happy to receive a bank payment which is paid directly into the Surgery Account through a BACS Payment (Bankers Automated Clearing Services)


Please Click Here for that option.

Important Disclaimer

Whilst we have made every effort to ensure that the information on this website is as accurate and up to date as possible, Queens Road Health Centre will not accept responsibility for any inaccuracies or omissions. We hope you find the information helpful.

© Health Plus 2022 (designed by A.Perkins)

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