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Medical Services


In addition to a comprehensive general medical care we also offer the following service:


Care of Chronic Health Problems

Diabetic care and advice

Asthma care and advice

Blood pressure and Lipid level monitoring



Screening Services

Well man medical

Well woman medicals including cervical screening for those aged 25 and above

Diabetic screening

Breast Screening (between 50 and 65 years of age and "opt-in" screening greater than 65 in some circumstances)

Bowel cancer screening offered in the 60th year of life

Mental health provision by on-site trained Mental Health Practitioner



Services for Women and Children

Contraception services for all types of contraception; however only certain Doctors fit intrauterine devices (coils) and subdermal implants. Please speak to your usual Doctor for further information.

Cervical smears (aged 25 and above)

Ante-natal checks offered on a "shared care" basis in conjunction with the on-site community midwives and hospital staff.

Post-natal checks

Childhood vaccinations and immunisations. The vaccine is offered at no charge to the patient.



Minor Surgery

Removal of skin tags, wart, lumps & bumps

Joint injections

Cryosurgery (treatment with liquid nitrogen)




Influenza (flu), pneumonia and herpes zoster (shingles) vaccinations

Bespoke travel advice and vaccination in an on-site "MASTA" approved travel clinic.




Anticoagulant monitoring


Lung function studies and Spirometry

Blood tests

Audiology and Hearing tests (and ear syringing with your usual Doctor or the Practice Nurse)

Dermatoscopy and mole checks for skin cancers

24-Hour blood pressure monitoring



Life Style Mangement

Smoking cessation services

Weight managment services

Diabetic foot checks



A Full Range of Medicals including

Driving medicals

Racing medicals

(please ask at reception for full details)



Specialists Clinics

Sports injuries and rehabilitation including exercise and fitness testing and ultrasound scanning of musculoskeletal disorders.


Surgery Opening Hours:

(Phone lines open at 8:00am)








7:40am – 6:00pm

8:00am – 7:00pm

7:40am – 6:00pm

8:00am – 6:00pm

7:40am – 6:00pm

9:00am – 11:30am


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